How to Properly Dispose of Your Vessel’s Waste …

As a responsible ship owner or operator, it is your duty to ensure that your vessel’s waste is properly disposed of to protect the environment and comply with regulations. Ship waste disposal is a critical aspect of ship operations, and it is essential to have a well-planned and properly executed waste management plan in place to prevent pollution and maintain compliance.

At Bangladesh Ship Supply, we understand the importance of proper ship waste disposal, and we are here to help you navigate the complex world of regulations and best practices. In this article, we will discuss the various types of ship waste and the regulations that govern their disposal. We will also provide some tips and best practices for managing your vessel’s waste and ensuring that you are in compliance with all applicable laws.

Types of Ship Waste –

There are several types of waste that can be generated on board a ship. Some of the most common types include:

Garbage – This includes all solid waste generated on board the ship, such as food waste, packaging, and other non-toxic materials.

Ballast Water – This is the water that is used to stabilize the ship when it is not fully loaded. Ballast water can contain a variety of organisms, including invasive species, which can be harmful to the environment if released into a new ecosystem.

Oily Bilge Water – This is the water that collects in the lowest part of the ship and can contain oil, grease, and other contaminants.

Regulations Governing Ship Waste Disposal –

There are several regulations that govern the disposal of ship waste. The most important of these is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), which sets out the rules and regulations for the prevention of pollution from ships.

Under MARPOL, all ships are required to have a garbage management plan in place that outlines the procedures for collecting, storing, and disposing of garbage. The plan must also include provisions for keeping the garbage separate from other waste and for the disposal of garbage at ports.

Ballast water is regulated under the Ballast Water Management Convention, which sets out the rules and regulations for the management and disposal of ballast water. Under the convention, ships are required to have a ballast water management plan in place that outlines the procedures for managing ballast water and preventing the introduction of invasive species.

Oily bilge water is regulated under the Oil Pollution Prevention Act, which sets out the rules and regulations for the prevention of oil pollution from ships. Under the act, ships are required to have an oil pollution prevention plan in place that outlines the procedures for collecting, storing, and disposing of oily bilge water.

Best Practices for Ship Waste Disposal –

Proper ship waste disposal requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to help you manage your vessel’s waste and maintain compliance with all applicable regulations:

Develop a waste management plan – A well-planned waste management plan is essential for ensuring that your vessel’s waste is properly disposed of. The plan should include procedures for collecting, storing, and disposing of all types of waste and should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains up-to-date.

Separate your waste – It is important to keep your garbage, sewage, ballast water, and oily bilge water separate to prevent contamination and ensure proper disposal.

Ballast water and tank washing residues (5% of petroleum products freighted, including water).

Fuel residues from engine room (1%-2% of bunker consumption)

Mixture of oil and water accumulated at the bottom of the vessel.

Plastic, bottle, expired medicine, can etc. disposal generated during ship’s operation and specify waste disposal from the engine room tank cleaning.

Bangladesh Ship Supply will remove the oil, transport the oil for safe disposal and recycle the slop oil into usable products such as tea garden boiler, electricity production and cement kiln. The customer will then be issued with a safe disposal certificate with the total amount discharged.

We provide specialized sludge vacuum truck, barges for removal, transport and disposal of cargo residues, oil residues, sludge and bilge water.

Workboat is at your service in the outer limit, port and anchorage areas of Chittagong, Mongla and Payra.

Our services are under Marine Pollution (MARPOL 73/78) – International Maritime Organization

(IMO) Rules & Regulations to vessels calling at major in UAE.

We undertake cleaning of Shore Storage Tanks, on shore and offshore tank cleaning, vessel engine room tank cleaning, Ballast tank, and to any type of vessel like VLCC`s/ULCC`s to Supply Boats.

Our comprehensive marine tank cleaning services are,

• De-mucking operation for bottom sludge, Mud removal
• Safe gas free entry for man to conduct safe operation
• Cargo hold Hatches
• Change of cargo product cleaning
• Hot Work cleaning
• High Pressure Hot water/ Chemical wash
• Cleaning the tanks with fresh water
• Hydro blasting and cleaning of vessel for product change

Our Used Oil trading department, buy and sale all kind of used engine oil, used motor oil originating from cars, trucks, Buses, most automobiles, boats, ships, heavy vehicles, cranes and hydraulic machinery. We can smooth the progress of bulk purchase orders for most types of pre-tested waste engine oil and hydraulic oil suitable for recycling.

Though our plant we provide closed loop oil recycling, turning your used oil into base oil. We aim to recover and recycle the maximum amount of waste oil possible to reduce your impact on the environment.

• Fuel Oil CST 180
• Fuel Oil CST 360
• Diesel Oil (MGO)
• Naphtha
• Gasoline
• Light gas oil
• Base Oil
• Residue
• Bitumen

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