23 Jan

Bernhard Schulte to take over management of Maersk vessels

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Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has announceed that it will be taking over the full management of six container vessels on behalf of shipping company, Maersk Line A/S
Bernhard Schulte to take over management of Maersk vessels
Currently managed in-house by Maersk, the six vessels ranging in size from 2,500 to 11,000 teu will be managed over the next five years from BSM’s Ship Management Centre in Hamburg, Germany. BSM will be responsible for all aspects of management including crewing, technical operations, safety performance, environmental performance and energy efficiency.
Captain Norbert Aschmann, CEO of BSM, said: “We are proud to have been awarded this contract by Maersk in line with their aim to continuously improve management of their fleet. This is a significant vote of confidence in BSM and reflects our commitment to safety, operational efficiency and transparency and emphasis on the achievement of key performance indicators agreed with our business partners.”
BSM has 25 years of experience in managing container vessels, with more than 180 of various sizes up to 13,500 teu currently managed across nine regionally-based Ship Management Centres.

By Laura Stackhouse | |

Posted in: Blog

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