4 Dec

Provision Supply

Fresh Vegetable, Fish, Meat, Cafeteria, Dry Stores, Ingredients, Fruits, Drinks, Saloon & Cabin Items, and Sweets and Bonded Stores.

Fresh – Frozen – Dry All High Quality Products (IMPA and ISSA) With Maximum Shelf Life at Competitive Prices.
Fresh Vegetable
• Eggplant (long) • Chinish spanash • Fresh beans • String beans • Kang kong • Mint leaves • Capsicum • Cabbage round • Chines cabbage •Brinjal (round) • Ladies finger (okra) • Long beans • White pumpkin • Red pumpkin • White marrow • Bitter guard • Snake guard • Tomato fresh (h/r) • Cucumber (s) • Fresh lemon • Green chili • Coriander leaves • Carrots (red) • Beet root • Lattuce • Celery • Green papaya •Potatoes (big special quality) • White radish • Red radish • Turnip • Spring onion • Green banana • Leak • Pointed Gourd/Parwal • Turai •Green spinach • Red  spinach • Tamarind • Parsley.
• Red snapper fish • Bhetki fish • Squid fish • Fry fish • Mackerel fish • Tuna fish • Sea fish (assorted) • Fish lapu • Pomfret (white) • Pomfret (black) • Tiger prawn with head • Prawn big (s/w) • Prawn big (s/w head less) • Prawn medium • King fish • Crabs • Ruhi (s/f) • Hilsa Fish silver • White snapper fish • Common carp • Blunt-snout • Cuttlefish • Tilapia • Cat fish local • Lob star • Ribbon fish.
• Beef boneless (frozen) • Beef boneless (fresh) • Beef with bone (fresh) • Liver ox’s • Tongue ox’s • Tail ox’s • Beef keema• Beef loins • Beef straps • Mutton leg (fresh) • Mutton whole (fresh) • Mutton frozen • Mutton keema • Lamb carcass • Chicken frozen • Chicken fresh • Chicken local alive • Chicken leg • Chicken wings/breast • Pork frozen whole • Pork fresh whole • Duck (live) • Pigeon (live) • Eggs (fresh).
• Sugar • Tea (loose) • Tea bag (50 bags) • Nescafe coffee (200 gm)  • Coffee mat (400gm) • Honey (500 gm) • Fruit Cocktail (850 gm) •Semolina • Spaghetti 500 gm pkt • Instant noodles (Maggi) 65 gm • Macaroni 500 gm • Sliced bread 600 gm/pkt • Milk powder • Evaporatec milk 410 gm tin • Condensed milk • Butter (local) • Butter (impt) • Peanut butter (400 gm) • Margarine butter 250 gm • Cheese (imptd)
• Corn flakes (500 gm) • Ovaltine (400 gm) • Horlicks (400 gm) • Viva (250 gm) • Maltova (500 gm) • Biscuit (asstd) kg • Biscuit (cream) •Yogurt (fruit)  cup • Rose water • Orange jelly • Mixed jam • Mango jelly • Pineapple jelly.
Dry Stores
• Rice (Asian crew) • Rice (officer) • Rice long grain • Rice basmati • Rice Thai • White flour (sp) • Raisin dry • Vanilla powder  150gm • Bay leaves • Bason • Cooking salt • Salt (table) • Cooking oil • Ajino motor (400 gm) • Tabasco (sauce) 1.ltr • Dry yeast 500 gm pkt • Mayonnaise (500gm) • Tomato ketchup 340gm • Soya sauce  500gm • Oyster sauce  400gm • Tomato sauce • Chili sauce • Vinegar • Pickle (assorted) •Mango pickle • Orange pickle • Garlic pickle • Tomato paste (500 gm) • Luncheon meat 340gm • Corn beef (340gm) • Corn flour tin • Custard powder tin • Backing powder tin • Beef sausage • Frankfurter sausage • Hot dog sauce • Black beans • Martedela • Dill • Baked beans (225 gm) • Mongo beans • White beans • Sliced bacon • Cooked ham (tin) • Cooked ham (sliced) • Lentils dry (red) • Salami • Maggi sauce (250 ml) • Green peas (450 gm) • Green peas (loose) • Mushroom (425 gm) • Tuna in oil (185 gm) • Sardine in tomato (155 gm) • Sardine in oil (150 gm) • Almond • Cashew nut • Pistachio.
• Dry onion• Ginger  • Garlic • Red chili • Cumin seed powder • Dry chili powder • Turmeric powder • Coriander powder • Black pepper powder • Cardamom • Cinnamon stick • Clove • Black pepper whole
• Banana h/r • Water melon • Sweet melon • Papaya half ripe • Orange (big) • Apple (big) • Pineapple • Mandarine • Pears • Grape (w/b)
• Mango
• Mineral water (1.5 ltr x 6 btl) • Coca cola (250ml) cane • URO cola (250ml) cane • 7 up (250 ml) cane • Tang 500 gm pkt • Mango juice (imptl) • Orange juice (imptl) • Pineapple juice (imptl) • Grape juice (imptl) • Apple juice (imptl) • Orange squash • Lemon squash.
Saloon & Cabin Items
• Broom • Powder soap (500gm) • Liquid soap teepol • Bleaching powder • Bleaching water • Dish washing powder  500gm • Dish washing liquid  500ml • Paper napkin (100 pcs) • Toilet paper • Tooth pick • Aluminium foil • Coir broom handle • Cotton mops w/handle • Plastic garbage bags • Steel wool fine • Steel wire sponges • Sponges • Aerosol 200(ml) • Bath soap (int’l lux) 100gm • Toilet soap lux 100gm •Floor brush • Toilet cleaner 500(ml) • Garbage bags big • Garbage bags small.

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