25 Jan

Video: Silverstream Uptakes Its Air Lubrication Technology

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Ship owners have much to focus on amidst the current backdrop of increasing competition and more stringent environmental regulation, especially in light of the recent IMO decision on the implementation of the global ECA. For most vessel owners and operators, increasing operational and environmental efficiency and reducing fuel bills plays a crucial role in alleviating these challenges.
Given the public-facing, higher-profile nature of cruise lines in particular – and the fact that they operate in busy port environments subject to green legislation – operators need to be able to trust the improvement benefits that manufacturers claim their technologies can deliver.

Silverstream Technologies

Image Credits: Silverstream Technologies – Youtube

Rigorous and transparent trials and testing processes, coupled with unimpeachable evidence and data is the key to building credibility and instilling trust in fuel saving technologies. Silverstream has seen tremendous uptake of its Silverstream® System air lubrication technology, from the cruise industry in particular. The technology has been put through extensive performance analysis through a rigorous sea trials process, which confirmed consistent net efficiency savings in excess of 4% and up to 8% for larger vessels.

Leveraging any solution that can reduce fuel consumption is critical to maintaining profitability and continuity, and credible clean technology is one of the best ways to deliver this. Silverstream employed a meticulous approach to the process of bringing its Silverstream® System to market, and as a result has successfully developed a blueprint to drive the uptake of clean technology in a sceptical industry.

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